Difference specified resolution and effective resolution of filmscanner

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Moderator: LSI_Ketelhohn

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Scanner: Relecta Professional RPS7200
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Difference specified resolution and effective resolution of filmscanner

Postby jkvbe » Sun Dec 31, 2017 12:31 pm

I have a reflecta RPS7200 filmscanner. As explained in http://www.filmscanner.info/en/ReflectaRPS7200.html, the effective resolution of the scans is less than the resolution set using Silverfast. Hence the size of the resulting files is too big for the offered resolution. It is recommended to use Photoshop Elements to reduce the size of the image.

However, I use the archive suite and generate raw images which I then process with Silverfast HDR. I don't see how Photoshop Elements fits in this process. I would assume Silverfast HDR reduces the size appropriately based on the output resolution set. Or am I missing something?



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Re: Difference specified resolution and effective resolution of filmscanner

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:52 am

Dear Jan,

SilverFast offers the resolution steps the driver of the scanner offers. This is the actual physical resolution, except those above the maximum resolution which are interpolated.
The files do exactly have the size they should have for a chosen resolution. You can also downscale images in SilverFast HDR if you like to do so.

Kind regards

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