Wich scanner profile for Reflecta ProScan 10T

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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:27 am
Scanner: Reflecta ProScan 10T
SilverFast Product: SE Plus

Wich scanner profile for Reflecta ProScan 10T

Postby MacMarc04 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:45 am


I've bought a Reflecta ProScan 10T scanner and see that there are no specific profile for this scanner available in the selection list.

The per default scanner in the preferences is SF ProfT(single frame scanner).
Shouldn't I choose the Proscan 7200?

N.B. As i already tested the demo version 8.2 , and just re-installed SilverFast 8.5, and at the first launching of the new app, I forgot to start the scanner. I hope this didn't create a problem for the recognition of the scanner...

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Re: Wich scanner profile for Reflecta ProScan 10T

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:50 pm

Dear customer,

The pre-selected profile is correct.
Single frame scanner is the internal name of the device.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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