RPS7200 and the resolution slider

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Reflecta RPS 7200
SilverFast Product: Ai Studio

RPS7200 and the resolution slider

Postby xtolsniffer » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:11 pm

Hi there,
I've been using a Reflecta RPS7200 for some time now with Ai Studio 8.8. I've run quite a few tests on the getting the best out of transparencies and quickly realised that the scanner's maximum optical resolution of 7200 ppi is pretty optimistic, though 3600 does work pretty well and seems about optimum for squeezing the last resolution from a slide. However, I noticed that the resolution slider turns from green to yellow at 2400 ppi, and to red at 2700 ppi, implying that those resolutions are interpolated (http://www.silverfast.com/newsletter/in ... on/en.html). I was curious to know if these values were derived experimentally as I can still see improvements in image detail up to about 3600 and possibly beyond. The best reolution reported here http://www.filmscanner.info/en/ReflectaRPS7200.html is around 3900 ppi.

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Re: RPS7200 and the resolution slider

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:39 am

Dear user,

Only the last setting of the slider is interpolated.

Kind regards,

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