1800u & Silverfast SE scan quality

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1800u & Silverfast SE scan quality

Postby anishnair » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:28 am


I have been trying to get a single good picture from my PIE 1800u & Silverfast SE 6 from past few days with no success !!! I always get dark areas of my picture (negative scaning) turned to red, green or yellow. I have tried with each & every setting of Silverfast SE & Ai (demo) but result is same. The earlier versions never had such problem. Can anyone suggest what to so????



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1800u with SilverFast Ai 6 (licensed version)

Postby csthrasher » Mon Sep 02, 2002 3:04 am


Thank you Anish. I am having the same problem with the 1800u and the licensed version of SilverFast Ai 6. Regardless of your use of the demo version and my use of the licensed version, your findings are the same as mine.

I too have been trying to get a single good picture from my PIE 1800u and Silverfast Ai 6 with no success. The example photo you supplied represents the problem very well.


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Re: 1800u & Silverfast SE scan quality

Postby LSI_Support » Mon Sep 02, 2002 1:51 pm

Dear Anish,
I answered the e-mail that you wrote directly to us.

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Is there a fix for this problem?

Postby csthrasher » Mon Sep 02, 2002 10:21 pm

As I am having the same problem, please advise me if there is a fix for my purchased version. Thank you.


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Postby anishnair » Tue Sep 03, 2002 2:51 am

I'm still having the same problem. I was adviced to use latest cyberview driver! (which apparently doesn't exist, the last update was Dec-2001).


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Postby nmoss » Thu Sep 05, 2002 1:55 pm

This is certainly a problem with version 6. The brightness is so out of wack that overexposing the scan by 3 f stops still doesn't bring it into range. Consequently, anything on the dark side gets trashed to meaningless blacks, greens, yellows etc. We have been through this issue before with version 5 (to a lesser extent) where, for a long time, I was reduced to Cyberview to scan underexposed and dark negatives. It was finally fixed there so I'm sure that it will be sorted out here, but when?

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Does Version 5.5 Work?

Postby csthrasher » Mon Sep 09, 2002 3:04 am

Anish, you are correct - I am using the latest (Dec 2001) Cyberview driver and have the same problem. Nmos, yes indeed, when will it be fixed. . .

When I purchased version 6, I was advised to download version 6 but was mailed version 5.5 on CD. The cover letter for the download instructions came with a version 5.5 CD. The letter said that version 6 was released on August 14, 2002 and was not yet available on CD, but that version may be downloaded. The letter also stated that it was actually better not to install version 5.5 at all.

If this problem with version 6 is not an issue with version 5.5, I guess my only option is to uninstall version 6 and install version 5.5 by CD. Any thoughts?


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Postby nmoss » Mon Sep 09, 2002 3:43 pm

Obviously version 6 is unusable, an amazing conclusion since it is still being marketed as an upgrade to version 5. When I installed the demo it overlaid version 5 (to my surprize) and so I completely uninstalled it before reinstalling version 5. What surprized me was Cyberview also became unusable after the uninstall, I guess some basic twain files were removed with Silverfast. After reinstalling version 5 everything was back to normal so I will hold off on version 6 until it's fixed.
As far as I could tell functionality in version 6 is similar, it runs quieter but slower. The grain removal works OK and the scratch and sniff removal looks interesting. Color restoration didn't do anything that can't be achieved with a few seconds of adjustment with any graphics software.


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Postby LSI_Leschke » Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:43 pm

A fix for the negative scanning- problem is available now. Please download the latest update for SilverFast.

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Postby ttourist » Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:50 pm

Was only Silverfast ai updated? I tried the ai demo (6.0.1d15) and the version of SE for download (6.0.1r10), and the problem was still present in SE unfortunatly :( I'd like to buy SE, but if this problem is not fixed, it is unusable for me...


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