Reflecta 3600 RPS Prof.: How to upgrade Ai and firmware ?

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Reflecta 3600 RPS Prof.: How to upgrade Ai and firmware ?

Postby Blitz » Sat May 03, 2003 2:04 pm

OK, I found some flaws, for example: The scanners tries to eject the film strips for ever, Ai 6 (6.0.1.r19, under XP)to crash when it tries to submit 48bit back to photoshop etc. Therefore I looked in the forum and learned that I should update the firmware and Ai6. Not an easy task:

1. Updating Ai6:
After registration I am not able to receive the file for the reflecta with the user / password. I am able to receive the upgrade file for the Kodak RFS3600 though. After installing, the Kodak Ai6-Version does not recognize the scanner though, so no help.

2. Updating the firmware: Same stuff: Silverfast is the only driver software provided by Reflecta. Unfortunately there is no option in silverfast to upgrade the firmware of the scanner as there is in the Kodak-software. Nevertheless Lasersoft refers in different postings how import it is to have the latest firmware-version in the scanner. OK, I tried to install the Kodak software and make the upgrade from there, but the Kodak software doesn't recogize the Reflecta scanner either. Therefore no update possible.

Heeeeeeeelp, please !

Best Regards

Frank Rennekamp

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Postby LSI_Support » Mon May 05, 2003 4:31 pm

This issue was dealt with through LSI support already.

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