Trouble starting up errors with demo. HELP!

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Trouble starting up errors with demo. HELP!

Postby lauro13 » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:54 pm

I just downloaded the Silverfast Demo, running it with Dimage III and 10.2.8. Everytime I try to start up Silverfast I get the launcher window and an error message that says "Error during import The system returns this error, when loading the plug in: <Silverfast (MinoltaDSIII).8ba><Silverfast (Mino" thats all I can read as the message runs off the message window and the window is stationary and can't be resized. Any ideas? thanks, Lauro

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Postby LSI_Noack » Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:27 am

Dear Lauro

for trouble-shooting issues, please don't hesitate to contact LaserSoft Imaging support staff via:

We shall appreciate if you paste a fresh copy of the SF_Logfile in the problem report.
The SF_Logfile (if it could be generated in the startup process of your installed SilverFast version) resides in /User/(your username)/Library/Preferences/LaserSoft Imaging.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation.

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