Could not install demo Silverfast Ai 6 G4 Photoshop 7 Jaguar

Problems with OSX and Jaguar

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Clifford Feller

Could not install demo Silverfast Ai 6 G4 Photoshop 7 Jaguar

Postby Clifford Feller » Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:52 am

Demo would not install "not enough physical memory" Same thing happened with Spring Cleaning Tech support rewrote program and it installed fine. They said I had "memory rollover" I have 2Gb in a brand new dual processor G4. Any ideas?

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Postby ilyons » Thu Nov 07, 2002 10:21 am

There is a bug in the Aladdin Installer Application (used by LaserSoft and many others) that prevents it from working correctly on systems with ram in excess of 1.5 gig.

The workaround is to reboot your computer into Mac OS 9 and install SilverFast from there. It will install correctly.

Others have found that simply removing a ram stick is all that is required but I think pulling ram sticks to install an application is likely to end in tears.

LaserSoft and Aladdin are aware of the problem! ONLY Aladdin can fix it!

Clifford Feller

Jaguar incompatibility

Postby Clifford Feller » Thu Nov 07, 2002 4:15 pm

ilyons wrote:There is a bug in the Aladdin Installer Application (used by LaserSoft and many others) that prevents it from working correctly on systems with ram in excess of 1.5 gig.

The workaround is to reboot your computer into Mac OS 9 and install SilverFast from there. It will install correctly.

Others have found that simply removing a ram stick is all that is required but I think pulling ram sticks to install an application is likely to end in tears.

LaserSoft and Aladdin are aware of the problem! ONLY Aladdin can fix it!

Thank you for your help I will try it when I get home

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Postby silicontrip » Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:10 am

This is not the only problem the installer has. It appears that it does not like UFS disks either and will install everything is if your HFS disk is the root disk. This caused it to install the scanner drivers in /Volumes/HFSDisk/Application Support/ rather than /Application Support/

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