Computer Crashing w/Silverfast

Problems with OSX and Jaguar

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Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:51 pm

Computer Crashing w/Silverfast

Postby woopit » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:58 pm

I was scanning last week and started having problems. I could only scan one scan at a time and then would get the message that the scanner could not be found. I then removed the old Umax Firewire Driver from the System folder that was causing a conflict System->Library->Extensions->UMAXFireWireDriver.kext) and things were good for a couple of days. Then last Friday I tried scanning and my entire screen went grey and I got the black tinted window that says-You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press restart. In Apple parlance, this is not a good thing. I downloaded the driver SFE-6.4.4r3g driver, but it hasn't helped.

I am using a Mac G 4, System 10.4.6, Umax Powerlook III scanner, and the SilverFast SFE-6.4.4r3g driver. Please advise. Thank-you.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:51 pm

Postby woopit » Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:09 pm

I'm sorry, I posted this under Jaguar, but I am using Tiger. Wrong cat!

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