Testing Silverfast SE Plus with Nikon CoolScan V ED

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Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:12 am
Scanner: Nikon CoolScan V ED
SilverFast Product: SE Plus

Testing Silverfast SE Plus with Nikon CoolScan V ED

Postby Jeff69 » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:55 am

I am testing software SE Plus and I am missing informations.
- 1 - I can find on your site only a short user manual (in French, but same in English). Were can I found the real complete/long one explaining in details all the functionalities .

With the CoolScan V scanning target is to scan 95% Kodachrome in slides. Using Auto adjustment with Kodachrome setting looks good, but I have two problems of "Automation".
- 2 - Can't find anything about automatic frame slides after slides (should be easy as the frame of slides is black except for night pictures with images vertical and Horizontal)
- 3 - Can't see anything to do automation when inserting a new slide, as I have hundreds of slides to be scan.

I am looking for this kind of automation :
1 - Inserting first slide, automatically preview, with Auto frame (related to slide in carton or plastic from Kodak, picture frame can be square or little round changing little bit the frame to use) and analyzed using Workflow Pilot and/or Auto Adjustment, then checking the result and giving a name (Example "Egypt") for .tif file then press Scanning. Result image called "Egypt 001.tif".
2 - Ejecting the first slide, inserting the second one, automatically preview, with Auto frame (related Vertical - Horizontal) and analysed using Worflow Pilot and/or Auto Adjustment, not changing the name and pressing Scan, getting second image called "Egypt 002.tif".
3 Ejecting second slide, inserting third one and so on.

Is their a way to do so ?.

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Re: Testing Silverfast SE Plus with Nikon CoolScan V ED

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:20 pm

Dear customer,

A user guide to SilverFast 8 can be found here.

Our Support Assistant can also help you to find information to certain difficulties.

The batch mode can be activated by clicking and holding the scan button for about a second.
A small pull-down menu will appear that allows you to switch to batch mode.
This allows to auto-number the scans.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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