Nikon LS-5000 Infrared Scan Offset

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Nikon LS-5000 Infrared Scan Offset

Postby bosveldboer » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:02 pm


I noticed that my Nikon Coolscan LS-5000 has a small offset error with the alignment of the infrared scan when I view a 64bit HDRi RAW scan in HDR Studio

I can manually correct the offset by -1 for both x and y directions in HDR Studio to get perfect alignment.

Is there a way to make this adjustment permanent or to set this SF Stdio Ai to correct this automatically when doing the scans?


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Re: Nikon LS-5000 Infrared Scan Offset

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:30 am

Dear customer,

In the preferences' Special tab you can find the '"Maximum offset for iSRD alignment".
You can try adjusting that. This would need to be done in the HDR Software because the alignment is done there.

Alternatively, if the offset is always the same you can store it in a Frame setting.
(Frame menu -> Settings -> Save Frame Settings)
Then select that in the SilverFast preferences' General tab as the "Defailt Setting".
It will the be loaded for each new frame.
(This can also be done for any other Preset you would like to use.)

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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