Color Workspace doesn't stay - defaults to 'none'...

All the problems with Microtek film scanners

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Color Workspace doesn't stay - defaults to 'none'...

Postby illostraight » Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:30 pm

Does anyone know why the color workspace defaults to 'none'?
I'm trying to keep it at Adobe RGB (1998).
Ever since I tried to upgrade to the latest SF, this has happened.
I've tried almost everything, reinstaling software, both PS, Microtek and SF.

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Postby LSI_Noack » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:57 am

Dear illostraight

from another posting by you, I am presuming you're using OS X.

Please try if deleting the Prefs folder (while SF isn't running) does improve the situation.

On a typical Mac OS X installation, the SilverFast "Prefs" folder is to be found at:
/ User / (your username) / Library / Preferences / LaserSoft Imaging / SilverFast /

If SilverFast does not find a "Prefs" folder when starting up, it generates a new one with these safe values.

Best regards
Sonny Noack
- Manager Technical Support, LaserSoft Imaging AG -

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Color Workspace doesn't stay - defaults to 'none'...

Postby illostraight » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:39 pm

Thanks, but I've already done that many times. Yes, I am on OS 10.3.8.

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