Lamp On for Microtek 1800f

flatbed scanners for Microtek

SilverFast Beginner
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Lamp On for Microtek 1800f

Postby SMF » Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:13 am

As with some of the other Microtek products, when Silverfast quits it leaves the lamp on in the scanner. I understand that the problem has been fixed with at least one Microtek scanner, does anyone know if it is going to be fixed for the 1800f? If so, in what release was it or will it be? Thanks.

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Postby LSI_Noack » Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:08 am

Dear SMF

no such option for the Microtek Scanmaker 1800tf.
I am sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Best regards
Sonny Noack
- Manager Technical Support, LaserSoft Imaging AG -

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