I have been using OEM ScanWizard and OEM Silverfast, both standalone and plug in to Photoshop for nearly 2 years without issue. A few months ago upgraded to CS3. Both applications worked consistently in and out of CS3. (BTW this is on Win XP SP2)
A few days ago I noticed on a color negative scan had no options in the menu for film type (brand) so I used the internal lasersoft update and it updated me to version 6.4.7. That solved my negative menu problem and brought up the fuji film I had been looking for.
Next I noticed a green stripe and some vertical streaking and thought maybe Microtek had an update for this device that might solve the green stripe and streaking. I find version 7.04 is available and so I download and after removing my OEM version install 7.04.
I re-boot and open Photoshop CS3 and Import, Scanwizard and up pops the normal splash screen and then a second later it goes away and takes photoshop down with it. I could not run Scanwizard or Silverfast at this time.
I uninstalled both and tried to install once again and simply could not get recognition of the scanner. Atttempted to use my OEM CD's to re-intall to no avail. Then made sure I had both updates on my desktop (Scanwizard and Silverfast) so I could do a system recovery and start fresh.
Did a sytem recovery to a day prior thinking my system which worked well a week ago would be back to normal. No dice. I did an uninstall of ScanWizard with my downloaded upgrade and left it uninstalled. I then did the Silverfast 6.4.7 update and it worked! Granted only as a plug in but I got somethig functioning in CS3 and how I'm scanning now. Problem is Scanwizard is trashed when it was fully functioning prior to these upgrades.
I know after doing a lot of reading regarding the new M1 that Microtek and Lasersoft work together on getting the combined hardware and software to market. The combined efforts here obviously have fallen short. Microtek says my scanner is defective and lasersoft tells me to pay for an upgrade to 6.5? since it works with CS3.
My 6.4.7 works with CS3 but the update has caused a number of other issues. I'm considering updating my defective scanner due to it's streaking but I hesitate to do this until Lasersoft and Microtek can solve the software issue I'm having. Microtek says they no longer have support or repairs in the US so if the problem still exists with the M1 I'de be feeling really stupid and played for a fool.
All I need is to cleans my system of these applications thoroughly. If I could then re-install the OEM software from CD I could then work outside of photoshop CS3 and find the root of this issue. I normally move in single steps to isolate a software/hardware issue but neither Microtek or Silverfast is being straight at this time or forthcoming with a plan.
I will not buy an M1/M1Pro with ScanWizard or use Silverfast unless I get some answers. Microtek has simply offered new hardware for a minor discount but having the same software issues with a new device isn't good policy. It washes their hands of the issue and places it on the backs of sales to ship a new box but more trouble for the customer that simply seeks a good scan of a prized negative or hundreds of negatives.
Any assitance would be greatly appreciated. I've spent much too much time in troubleshooting this and writing to Micrtoek and Lasersoft support to no avail.
i900 ScanWizard Pro 7.04, OEM and SilverFast 6.4.47 and OEM.
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SilverFast 6.4.7 and PS CS3
SilverFast 6.4.7 and PS CS3
Dear SilverFast User,
please try the SilverFast 6.5 demo from our website or run SilverFast from the Launcher (not from Import inside Photoshop).
Please let us know whether your problem persists!
best regards
Karl-Heinz Zahorsky
Dear SilverFast User,
please try the SilverFast 6.5 demo from our website or run SilverFast from the Launcher (not from Import inside Photoshop).
Please let us know whether your problem persists!
best regards
Karl-Heinz Zahorsky
I just downloaded the standalone version 6.5 and first of all it didn't install the SF Launcher. Only the uniinstall routine. Downloaded a second version of the same after reading the read-me file which explained possibly I needed Microtek Scanwizard installed first. So installed ScanWizard Pro 7.04 once again with server components as had been working for 2 years. Tested SWPro and up comes the flash screen and then Gone!
Next was open Photoshop CS3 and try Scanwizard and same thing, but it takes Photoshop with it. At this point I'm still missing the SF Launcher. Not in the Programs/Lasersoft folder, not in the menu...So I open photoshop and in the import menu there is Silverfast Twain and the 32 bit version. Click on the 32 bit (6.4.7 which supposedly doesn't work in CS3) and it opens nicely and I can scan film or reflective and has my calibrations set. OK something still alive, whew.
Next I try the new 6.5 twain.....up comes the splash screen and bam, it's gone. No luck with 6.5 (without the launcher it's the only way I could try it).
So there I am faulty ScanWizard 7.04, Faulty (seemingly 6.5) and according to Microtek a faulty i900, though it sure does scan reflective quite nicely with Silverfast 6.4.7 but botches negatives nicely too, unfortuntaly.
Now about my system....It's a Boxx 7400 dual Opteron 252 with 3 drives and 4 gig of ram and an Nvidia Quadro FX 540. The only change to my system in a few years is the installation of Adobe Production Premium and Adobe Lightroom. All work fantastically and I edit spots for TV as well without issues, capturing and offloading to tape as well as importng hundreds of raw images from cameras and printing. I also considered an issue may be scanning with firewire as opposed to usb but usb use had the same results.
As it is... I will do reflective scans as set up above. If I could be shown that Microtek's software that comes with the M1 worked as well as Silverfast I "might" buy but.......I have no faith in Microtek right now. I have their latest and it crashes but they cannot even support their latest or suggest why it may crash and not function and take photoshop with it. This while the version that isn't supposed to work works.
I have offered that it may have to do with CS3 but I have great results with CS3 and the 32 bit version 6.4.7. Version 6.5 and ScanWizard each fail now. I'm working well with Adobe Production Premium and it's vast and I cannot remove and reinstall it and revert to Photoshop CS 2 without disabling my link between apps. in any attempt to troubleshoot. I also don't feel this is an obligation of mine but an obligation of the vendors, though I do accept issues will arise and understand my obligation to test within reason.
If I was to purchase an M1 and install Scanwizard I have no confidence it would work on my stystem. If 7.04 fails on the i900 would anyone then go purchase the next model with the identical software? I'm operational with external FW 800 and 400 devices and all works great so I can only put the blame on what I've described unfortunately.
I do appreciate the reponse...though after an hour or so I'm back where I've been for a month.
Next was open Photoshop CS3 and try Scanwizard and same thing, but it takes Photoshop with it. At this point I'm still missing the SF Launcher. Not in the Programs/Lasersoft folder, not in the menu...So I open photoshop and in the import menu there is Silverfast Twain and the 32 bit version. Click on the 32 bit (6.4.7 which supposedly doesn't work in CS3) and it opens nicely and I can scan film or reflective and has my calibrations set. OK something still alive, whew.
Next I try the new 6.5 twain.....up comes the splash screen and bam, it's gone. No luck with 6.5 (without the launcher it's the only way I could try it).
So there I am faulty ScanWizard 7.04, Faulty (seemingly 6.5) and according to Microtek a faulty i900, though it sure does scan reflective quite nicely with Silverfast 6.4.7 but botches negatives nicely too, unfortuntaly.
Now about my system....It's a Boxx 7400 dual Opteron 252 with 3 drives and 4 gig of ram and an Nvidia Quadro FX 540. The only change to my system in a few years is the installation of Adobe Production Premium and Adobe Lightroom. All work fantastically and I edit spots for TV as well without issues, capturing and offloading to tape as well as importng hundreds of raw images from cameras and printing. I also considered an issue may be scanning with firewire as opposed to usb but usb use had the same results.
As it is... I will do reflective scans as set up above. If I could be shown that Microtek's software that comes with the M1 worked as well as Silverfast I "might" buy but.......I have no faith in Microtek right now. I have their latest and it crashes but they cannot even support their latest or suggest why it may crash and not function and take photoshop with it. This while the version that isn't supposed to work works.
I have offered that it may have to do with CS3 but I have great results with CS3 and the 32 bit version 6.4.7. Version 6.5 and ScanWizard each fail now. I'm working well with Adobe Production Premium and it's vast and I cannot remove and reinstall it and revert to Photoshop CS 2 without disabling my link between apps. in any attempt to troubleshoot. I also don't feel this is an obligation of mine but an obligation of the vendors, though I do accept issues will arise and understand my obligation to test within reason.
If I was to purchase an M1 and install Scanwizard I have no confidence it would work on my stystem. If 7.04 fails on the i900 would anyone then go purchase the next model with the identical software? I'm operational with external FW 800 and 400 devices and all works great so I can only put the blame on what I've described unfortunately.
I do appreciate the reponse...though after an hour or so I'm back where I've been for a month.
- SilverFast Expert
- Posts: 351
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2002 1:00 am
LSI_Muenier wrote:Dear John,
unfortunately, I cannot comment on the ScanWizard behaviour.
When you install SilverFast, I am astonished that there is no Launcher.
Did you do the install while logged in as Administrator?
Best regards
I'm assuming I was logged in as admin. as I normally am. I simply selected the appropriate download and installed. That said I have had to load specific environment variables for my Tyan Thunder K8WE Opteron mainboard to run sprecific video codecs for editing so assumed possibly there simply may have been a compatibility issue compared to Intel boards using XP. I'm still working OK under the above download through Pshop CS3 for flatbed reflective work.
Thanks for the reply,
- SilverFast Expert
- Posts: 351
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2002 1:00 am
LSI_Muenier wrote:Dear John,
I just installed the current 655r5 on my Athlon Dual Core XP.
I have the Launcher available and no problem when scanning.
Best regards
I just downloaded and tried the new Ai Studio download and indeed it does add the launcher and works. Looks like the version I tried prior to this was 6554a and the new one is 6555. 6447AI ST, BTW, does work inside Pshop CS3 so I will stick with it for now.
Unfortunately Microtek is still stuck with 7.043 which crashes and burns on loading w/CS3 so no new Microtek for me right now.
Glad Lasersoft is responsive. Microtek needs to understand user needs more and customer workflow with industry standard apps.
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