No interface at all but program is running

Problems with installing SilverFast
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No interface at all but program is running

Postby prancingpixel » Sat Jun 17, 2017 10:13 pm

I just upgraded silverfast to 8.8.08 on Windows 64bit. Now, instead of the small interface that I could not read on my Surface Studio 28" monitor, I see NO program at all. I get the startup screen, I see it has the scanner I am using and I click START. Then the screen goes blank. There is no interface, no program to use to scan into. I uninstalled and reinstalled the software. No change.

How to get this program to work??? I have clients waiting for the material I need to scan!!!!


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Re: No interface at all but program is running

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:04 pm

Dear Sherry,

have you tried resetting SilverFast through the Welcome screen's service dialog? If not please try that. Reinstalling does not do this.

If that does not help check your system setting's "Apps & features".
Look for the "Web Companion" and other software from LavaSoft. It prevents SilverFast from being executed. Please be aware that this application is often installed without the user's knowledge.

Kind regards,

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