Driver will not install - driver does not sontain digital signature info

Problems with installing SilverFast

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Driver will not install - driver does not sontain digital signature info

Postby ajnilsen » Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:40 am

I am running Nikon Coolscan IV (LS40) on my win 10 64bit PC. I have downloaded Silverfast 8 software (latest version) and trying to update this driver from the control panel: NksUSB_IEEE1394LSI.INF, but no success. The driver is found but will not install, error encountered: "The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information"....

I have had the same scanner running nicely on WIN 10 earlier, but the update of the software appeared to create problems. How can I solve this?

Alf J. Nilsen

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Re: Driver will not install - driver does not sontain digital signature info

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:36 pm

Dear Mr Nilsen,

The driver you mentioned is outdated and no longer used.
SilverFast 8 automatically includes the required driver which is installed by the operating system itself.
In case an older driver is still in use uninstall the scanner through the device manager.
When asked if the driver should be removed confirm that.
Afterwards reinstall SilverFast and reboot the PC.

Kind regards,

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