Why do my scans come out so bad?

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Why do my scans come out so bad?

Postby foursunnydays » Mon May 22, 2017 5:09 pm


I have been using a Plustek 8200ai to scan some 35mm negative colour films. I use Negafix and iSRD on each frame scanning at 2600dpi. For some reason in every frame I seem to get a lot of artefacts and noise. To see if it was my scanning technique or just the film I had the same frames scanned at my local shop (be it at a much lower resolution, but same size) and the picture is much cleaner. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have attached a portion of the same frame as an example. this section is out of focus but demonstrates what I mean about the overall clarity...
Screenshot 2017-05-22 17.04.11.jpg
Screenshot 2017-05-22 17.04.11.jpg (114.62 KiB) Viewed 3092 times
Screenshot 2017-05-22 17.04.53.jpg
Screenshot 2017-05-22 17.04.53.jpg (185.23 KiB) Viewed 3092 times
The second photo was scanned at a much higher resolution on the 8200ai and is full of white dots?

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Re: Why do my scans come out so bad?

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Fri May 26, 2017 3:24 pm

Dear user,

could be film grain.
Is that visible at a lower resolution when scanning SilverFast?
Depending on the film type the grain can become visible above a certain resolution.

Also various filters could obscure the effect. especially if you use a lower resolution and upscaling.

Kind regards,

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