HP ScanJet 8200 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0

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HP ScanJet 8200 and Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0

Postby Rolando » Wed May 25, 2005 10:28 pm

I asked for HP ScanJet support in SilverFast more than a year ago, and the answer was something like "never"! But lucky me, I discovered a few weeks ago that SilverFast NOW is available for my HP ScanJet 8200. I bought it and installed it.

It works great with Adobe Photoshop, but when I try to create a new PDF from scanner in Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.01 and selects "SilverFast hp (32 Bit)" as my scanning device, I get an error saying "Adobe Acrobat " (title of Window) and "Unknown error!" (text in windows). Does anyone know what the problem is and how to correct it? I can scan without problems using the original HP drivers from inside Adobe Acrobat.

Roland Lyngvig

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Postby LSI_Noack » Mon May 30, 2005 8:41 am

Dear Roland

unfortunately there is no hard and fast solution to this. We already encountered the issue with Acrobat 6.
The strange thing, however, is that any other current Adobe product as well as Acrobat 4 and 5 hadn't any trouble at all with SilverFast TWAIN 6.

I asked Adobe last week for some contact information to sort this out.

Thanks for your request that proves customer interest which allows me to internally stress the importance of this matter.

Kind regards
Sonny Noack
- tech support, LSI AG -

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