The right Workflow : How tu use negafix with Tif in SF HDR

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The right Workflow : How tu use negafix with Tif in SF HDR

Postby Christophe_cordier » Mon May 30, 2016 11:53 am

Hello there

I shoot Color negative film (kodak Portra mostly) with a PhaseOne MF IQ180 on a copystand (so much better than my V700) with no correction. So my picture is with a huge orange mask.
Then I use camera Raw to get a .tiff (PhaseOne raw are .IIQ)
Now I would like to use Negafix with SF HDR (to get the right color) and finally finish it in lightroom.

Anynone knows the good workflow for this ?

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Re: The right Workflow : How tu use negafix with Tif in SF HDR

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:16 pm


The NegaFix profiles are individually tailored to various scanner models.
So you will have to do some trial and error to find a profile set that gives you a good results.
You can then further adjust the profile in the expert settings curve tab. (pencil symbol)
The NegaFix profile itself includes three curves which are selected through the exposure slider.
One for each the following settings: -3.0, 0.0 and +3.0
Values between these are interpolated from the existing curves.
So please only edit the curve while the slider is set to one of these tree settings.
You can select neutral points in the image and then neutralize them in the color field below the curves by dragging the dot down.
(The color field is only visible when a point is selected in the image.)
When you are done click the pencil again to save your custom profile.

Kind regards,

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