Hello, I have a customer who has purchased SilverFast for the Heidelburg, We spoke to a company called CPS who advised that there are Linotype drivers for the 1800 and the 2200 and to use your product, This has been done, unfortunatly neither my self nor my customer are very experienced with Linoscan products or Silverfast.
His current setup is a PowerMac G4 running OS X with the Linoscans connected via SCSI. The SCSI card is recognised, The card recognises the scanner, but the silverfast does not currently see it.
Any suggestions would be great, Heidelburg and CPS seem to only offer tech support in the UK on Tuesday and wednesday.
If you have a UK tech support contact number this would be better as i could then get ny customer to contact them direct as he is with the setup at the moment.
Much appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Best regards
Silverfast on Heidelburg Linoscan 1800 & 2200
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