Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Feedback about HDR Studio 8 Pre-Release Program

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Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Postby murrayt » Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:13 pm


I've updated to this next beta published last weekend. The problem I had with processing some 7600dpi colour scan is gone. Many thanks

Something that seems to be still in this beta is a problem with the bottom edge of the cropping frame. Often it cannot be picked up and moved. The workaround is to move the right edge and then the top edge. Then it can usually be moved. The other workaround is to delete the active frame and then it works. This isn't always a problem, but happens maybe 50% of the time.

Also the destination folder always seems to reset to the default each time a new HDRi input file is opened (and also when the active frame is deleted). Is this the designed intent?

I have also had difficulties in processing 32bit HDRi scans created by Silverfast 8.0 Ai Studio. HDR beta locks up or terminates unexpectedly.

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Re: Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Postby LSI_Morales » Thu May 03, 2012 4:19 pm

Hi Murray

murrayt wrote:the destination folder always seems to reset to the default each time a new HDRi input file is opened (and also when the active frame is deleted). Is this the designed intent?

Thanks for your input. A ticket have been created to request the enhancement of this feature in HDR Studio.

Most likely this will be included in future versions of SilverFast.

Again thanks for your contribution

Kind regards
Alejandro Morales

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Re: Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Postby murrayt » Tue May 08, 2012 1:18 pm


I've done some more trialling with mono scans. They are produced by Silverfast Studio 8 Studio 8.0.1r9 with a Plustek 7600i @3600 or 7200dpi as 32bit HDRi.

With no filters applied, the image is loaded and viewed, and when output, processing appears to happen but in a split second, and no output file is created.

With USM added, the above behaviour is repeated. With USM and iSRD added, when attempting to output, some time elapses with the window showing "processing" but after 10 or so seconds the message is Silverfast executable has stopped working is presented and no recovery is possible.

Hope that helps

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Re: Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Postby murrayt » Wed May 16, 2012 11:18 am


I attempted to send you a PM to ask these questions, the PM's to you are disabled.

Is there a date forecast for the next beta that might address some of the issues? When it is I'll repea some of the tests I've done.
Managed colour workflow from an IT8 target isn't available in the beta. Is this expected closer to release time?
Can you let me know how Multi exposure scans are handled in HDR Studio? I.e if 64bit HDRi is scanned, and then used as input to HDR studio, how can the M.E be used in processing a final output?

If there is a preferred channel to communicate these questions, could you let me know.

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Re: Silverfast 8.0.1r8 HDR Studio Beta

Postby murrayt » Wed May 16, 2012 12:47 pm


Just tried beta 10 as it has just been released.

The problem I experienced with the frame edges and moving them to crop the image seems to not be a problem so far.

But the 32bit HDRi scans that I've just tried don't process properly whether output is 16 bit mono or 48=>24 colour

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