GANE ohne Effekt

Feedback about HDR Studio 8 Pre-Release Program

Moderator: LSI_Rossee

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GANE ohne Effekt

Postby lifefun » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:17 pm

ich verwende 64-Bit-Roh-Scans von SF6.6. Bei der Endbearbeitung möchte ich, wie gewohnt, das Korn mit der GANE-Funktion reduzieren. Aber egal, welche Einstellung ich verwende: Kein Einfluss auf den Preview.

Übrigens ist das in dem Dokumentations-Video auch nicht anders: Obwohl geraten wird - und vorgeführt - dass durch Häkchensetzen und -wegnehmen der Effekt genau beurteilt werden kann, rührt sich das Korn im Schallloch der Guitarre absolut gar nicht.

Bitte bald eine Pre-Release-Version mit funktionierendem GANE zur Verfügung stellen!

Beste Grüße


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Re: GANE ohne Effekt

Postby LSI_Morales » Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:21 am

Hallo Lifefun,

Vielen Dank für die Meldung. Ich habe das Feature getestet und tatsächlich konnte ich das gleiche Verhalten bei mir reproduzieren.
Unsere Entwickler-Team wurde darüber informiert.
Wir hoffen ein besseres Feature in eine zukünftige Version anbieten zu können.

Für Ihre Mitarbeit bedanken wir uns.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alejandro Morales

LaserSoft Imaging
Media manager, Software testing

Jean-Claude Langain
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Re: GANE ohne Effekt

Postby Jean-Claude Langain » Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:27 pm

Hello !

I hope you read english, since my german is too poor to write a reply ...

I've just upgraded from 6.6 to archive studio 8 and I experienced the same problem in HDR 8 ( using a Nikon Coolscan V with mac OS 10.6.8 ).

And the problem is there too if you process the picture directly in SF 8 .

So I reverted to 6.6 and it works just fine .

Jean-Claude Langain

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Re: GANE ohne Effekt

Postby LSI_Morales » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:50 am

Hi Jean Claude

Thanks for reporting, I was explaining Lifefun that I tested and reproduced the problem here. This has been reported and will most likely be improved in future versions of the software.

Kind regards
Alejandro Morales

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Re: GANE ohne Effekt

Postby daanjj » Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:20 am

I upgraded from SF Ai Suite 6.6 (that came with my Epson v&50 scanner) to SF Archive 8 because I run Lion and I want to scan and process a lot of slides.

Unfortunately, GANE does not seem to work at all in the latest beta (v8.0.1r5) of HDR Studio. In this thread on the forum, I read that this already seems to be broken for 3 months and that you are able to reproduce it... How is than possible that it is not already fixed??? Isn’t the purpose of a beta to find the bugs and solve them quickly? Although I recognize a standard text in the reaction from mr Morales, "this will most likely be improved in future versions of the software" is simply not good enough. The GANE functionality is pretty basic functionality that should just work!

Although I realize this is a beta, I did pay quite a significant amount of money for the Archive 8 upgrade with the promise that HDR Studio 8 would be already usable on Lion, so I hope this bug is fixed on short notice.

Please note that as a (beta) user, I am extremely willing to quickly give feedback on bugs, with the expectation that these bugs than get solved quickly.

With regards,


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