Colour cast removal / File naming

Feedback about HDR Studio 8 Pre-Release Program

Moderator: LSI_Rossee

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Colour cast removal / File naming

Postby drm » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:36 pm


Two points about 8.0.1r6

1. I'm sorry if this has been raised elsewhere, or if I'm just blind, but has the Color Cast Removal slider vanished ? This is such a time-saver and probably my favorite feature in Silverfast!

2. Output default file naming has always been a bit weird for me in HDR 6.6. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But in 8 Beta, I just get "untitled" as default. Please could the current file name (without extension) be used as a default ? I name my scans xxxxxx.hdr.tif, and my HDR output just loses the ".hdr". Now, I'd like to save by default as .psd, to a default folder (please, no, "Pictures", not for this level of software). Could we maybe have a little more flexibility / customisation in this area ?

Otherwise, well, :D says it all! Good work, guys.

David Mantripp

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Re: Colour cast removal / File naming

Postby LSI_Morales » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:48 am


drm wrote:1. I'm sorry if this has been raised elsewhere, or if I'm just blind, but has the Color Cast Removal slider vanished ? This is such a time-saver and probably my favorite feature in Silverfast!

No, the color cast removal has not vanished. It is located under the advance dialogue in the Histogram panel.

Press the advanced button on the lower right side of the Histogram

advanced_button.jpg (11.72 KiB) Viewed 2629 times

The color cast removal slider is located right there:

color_cast_removal.jpg (16.88 KiB) Viewed 2629 times

drm wrote:2. Output default file naming has always been a bit weird for me in HDR 6.6. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But in 8 Beta, I just get "untitled" as default. Please could the current file name (without extension) be used as a default ? I name my scans xxxxxx.hdr.tif, and my HDR output just loses the ".hdr". Now, I'd like to save by default as .psd, to a default folder (please, no, "Pictures", not for this level of software). Could we maybe have a little more flexibility / customisation in this area ?

We are in fact considering further development on this area. Changes however will be implemented later on.

Kind regards
Alejandro Morales

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Re: Colour cast removal / File naming

Postby murrayt » Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:36 am

Could I also add my comment about the output naming approach as implemented. This is for both HDR and Ai Studio

I would prefer that the output name defaults to the input name (I generally am outputting to a different folder so conflicts in naming don't present, but adding a suffix number would work if there was a conflict)

In the case of a 12 slide carrier on say an Epson V700 the naming as attached to the frame in each case is equally cumbersome (that is unless my inexperience has missed something important)

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Re: Colour cast removal / File naming

Postby dimoe » Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:52 pm

I would like to have automaticly the name of the input-image for the output-image too.

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