Saving Frame dimensions/position -only-, not frame settings

SilverFast HDR Studio (48bit HDR processing)

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Saving Frame dimensions/position -only-, not frame settings

Postby stevebow » Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:59 am


I have made a series of RAW 35mm neg scans in SF for archival purposes in DNG format. Each file is a scan of the entire scanning area, so there is "garbage" present around the exposed film area itself. Each scanned frame has had the correct NegaFix profile assigned to them during the scan. I have also added an IPTC caption to each file.

I wish to process these DNG files in SF HDR, cropping out the "garbage" using Frames. What I wish to do is to save a single Frame dimension and position, so as I process each image I do not have to redraw it. I do not wish to save any frame settings, just the frame dimension/position only.

According to, "A FrameSet saves/loads the size and position of all current frames. But not the settings." But this does not appear to be true. For example, I load a DNG image (Kodak NegaFix) into HDR, resize and position the frame to how I want, save it as a FrameSet. I then load a different DNG (Fuji NegaFix), load that FrameSet, fine, the frame position/size is good. But I find the NegaFix profile has now been changed to the first file's Kodak profile, and the IPTC caption is that of the first file too.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding what is saved in a FrameSet, but LSI_Ketelhohn's comment down the bottom here give the impression that saving a FrameSet should save only the frame size and location.

Or am I doing this wrong? If so, what are the steps to save and load frame size and location ONLY without affecting any other settings please? Using SF 8.8.0r2 on OS X 10.11.3.


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Re: Saving Frame dimensions/position -only-, not frame setti

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:26 pm

Dear Steve,

The behavior of the frame set saving has changed in a previous update. Our developers are already informed about this.
Currently the frame sets also save settings. So you should clear all settings before saving one and load it before making any settings.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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Re: Saving Frame dimensions/position -only-, not frame setti

Postby stevebow » Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:24 am

Thanks Arne. What is the best way to clear all settings? "Delete All" in the Frame menu appears to do this, but this may be a quirk of the bug and this action may change when the bug is fixed. When I "Reset frame" in the Frame menu, I thought this would reset all frame settings to default per the metadata stored in the DNG file, but this just changes the image within the frame to a strong yellow cast (working with negs).

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Re: Saving Frame dimensions/position -only-, not frame setti

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:27 pm

Dear Steve,

For a Negative the Reset would clear the NegaFix data.
If you are scanning Negatives, that might be why you are getting a cast.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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