Image resolution and batch scanning

SilverFast HDR Studio (48bit HDR processing)

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:09 pm
Scanner: DigitDia 5000
SilverFast Product: Ai

Image resolution and batch scanning

Postby Phero100 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:28 pm

I want to start to scan all my slides via job manager in Studio AI 8 and DigitDIa 5000. I am a bit puzzled about the different resolution possibilites. Do they influence tthe work flow?
When I scan with 48 bit, and multiexposure, two scans are performed. But it seems tha iSRD is not running. How can I get it running automatically for each slide?

Best regards


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Re: Image resolution and batch scanning

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:47 pm

Dear Stefan,

You only need to click the iSRD icon to turn it on. If it has a little red dot in it it is active.
Some scanners perform the RGB and infrared scan in one go and do not require an extra scan for this.
But also make sure that in the scratch and dust removal dialog the iSRD tab is selected and not SRDx.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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