HDRi files corrupted after changing metadata (in LightRoom)

SilverFast HDR Studio (48bit HDR processing)

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HDRi files corrupted after changing metadata (in LightRoom)

Postby xenophon » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:51 pm

Hi, and greetings from Athens.

I think the following behavior represents a bug in HDRi file handling:

- HDRi file is created by SF8 (v50) on a CoolScan 9000
- it is then copied to a folder which is catalogued by Adobe Lightroom 5.6
- opening the file in SilverFast HDR 8 (v50) allows full editing (and iSRD is active)
- if, however, a metadata item is changed in Lightroom (say the date of the HDRi .TIFF, or even a color label), then:
- SilverFast HDR 8 opens the file, but iSRD is not available

How can one circumvent this problem? Saving the HDRi in .DNG would make any difference?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: HDRi files corrupted after changing metadata (in LightRo

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:36 am

Dear Xen,

If Lighroom changes the metadata in HRDi images important information can be destroyed.
Do not alter HDR(i) images in any way.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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Re: HDRi files corrupted after changing metadata (in LightRo

Postby alina » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:26 am

Let's say I open a bunch of images and make some color corrections, cropping etc. Then I save the joblist. Then, maybe a few days later, I decide that a couple of those images need to be reprocessed, maybe for some other use. So I open them from the original files. I do NOT load the saved joblist. Surprisingly, Silverfast 8 HDR Studio also loads the previously made alterations. I guess it was designed to function like that, but why? How do I prevent it? I often use generic filenames when scanning and when I open the scans in HDR Studio, I get some totally incorrect alterations just because the filename happens to be the same.

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Re: HDRi files corrupted after changing metadata (in LightRo

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:54 pm

Dear Alina,

This is in deed the intended behavior.
It is meant to allow you to easily continue working at the point where you stopped.

To use fresh settings simply reset the current frame through the frame menu and SilverFast will load the default values.

Kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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