AI Studio now HDR later?

All about SilverFast HDR and HiRepp (48bit HDR processing)

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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:48 pm
Scanner: Epson v600
SilverFast Product: Ai Studio

AI Studio now HDR later?

Postby bri859 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:03 pm

I have an Epson v600 on the way and I was originally going to get the Archive Suite SE for it. After deciding that AI Studio had some features I definitely want I thought it might be better to pay a little more for AI Studio now and get HDR later since the Pro Archive suite is a bit too expensive for me right now. My question is, can I scan to RAW format with AI Studio if I don't have HDR installed? I realize I would need HDR to open any RAW images I create but I thought for now I would scan to regular files and do a RAW scan for archival purposes.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: AI Studio now HDR later?

Postby LSI_Morales » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:45 am

Hi there,

bri859 wrote:can I scan to RAW format with AI Studio if I don't have HDR installed? I realize I would need HDR to open any RAW images I create but I thought for now I would scan to regular files and do a RAW scan for archival purposes.
Thanks for your help.

Sure, SilverFast Ai Studio has the option to scan in 48 bit HDR raw files

Alejandro Morales

LaserSoft Imaging
Media manager, Software testing

Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:48 pm
Scanner: Epson v600
SilverFast Product: Ai Studio

Re: AI Studio now HDR later?

Postby bri859 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:24 am

Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the DEMO of AI Studio and was disappointed to find that I can't use iSRD (which would also prevent me from doing an archive scan to HDR with the infrared channel). I found on the "scanner compatibility" page that you have to have HDR for this to be available in AI Studio. I wouldn't care so much about not being able to do the archive scan but I have a lot of slides to scan and the inability to use iSRD at all is major for me. Is there a possibility of iSRD being included in AI Studio when version 8 comes out? Thank You.

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Re: AI Studio now HDR later?

Postby LSI_Morales » Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:16 pm

Hi bri

bri859 wrote:I downloaded the DEMO of AI Studio and was disappointed to find that I can't use iSRD (which would also prevent me from doing an archive scan to HDR with the infrared channel).

On the contrary, if you check our product site it clearly states iSRD as well as HDRi supported.

You have to make sure you work in transparency mode because the infrared channel is not available (and does not make any sense) in reflective mode.

Alejandro Morales

LaserSoft Imaging
Media manager, Software testing

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