Tried to download the update today and all I get is a huge text file called
Don't know what to do with it...
Can you check what's going on with that link please.
Can't Download
Can't Download
Junebug Clark / detroit
Dear Junebug
if the .sitx (StuffIT eXtended) file was renamed to .sitx.txt then it looks like your browser interpreted the extension incorrectly.
Please select the link using CTRL+click, and choose "Download linked file" from the context menu.
This will bring the stuffit archive on your desktop. I just tested this link and could download and extract the installer file painlessly.
Best regards
Sonny Noack
- tech support, LSI AG -
if the .sitx (StuffIT eXtended) file was renamed to .sitx.txt then it looks like your browser interpreted the extension incorrectly.
Please select the link using CTRL+click, and choose "Download linked file" from the context menu.
This will bring the stuffit archive on your desktop. I just tested this link and could download and extract the installer file painlessly.
Best regards
Sonny Noack
- tech support, LSI AG -
Still Can't D/L DC Studio Pro
Dear Sonny...
I have just returned to download DC Pro Studio... and still can't do it.
I have Control-Clicked and "Downloaded Linked File" as you suggested. Also have Option-Clicked plus 2 or three other options. You were right it was "painless" but it still didn't work.
Still receiving "SFE-6-3.4.1r7d(DCProStudio).sitx.txt"
I have not had this problem before and can download * HDR, Epson, Nikon and DC Pro versions of Silverfast just like normal.
Something is different about this one file.
What do you suggest we try next?
YT... Jb.
Mac... OSX 10.4... Stuffit Deluxe 9.02.. Safari 2.0
* This same combination works on all the other files mentioned above.
I have just returned to download DC Pro Studio... and still can't do it.
I have Control-Clicked and "Downloaded Linked File" as you suggested. Also have Option-Clicked plus 2 or three other options. You were right it was "painless" but it still didn't work.
Still receiving "SFE-6-3.4.1r7d(DCProStudio).sitx.txt"
I have not had this problem before and can download * HDR, Epson, Nikon and DC Pro versions of Silverfast just like normal.
Something is different about this one file.
What do you suggest we try next?
YT... Jb.
Mac... OSX 10.4... Stuffit Deluxe 9.02.. Safari 2.0
* This same combination works on all the other files mentioned above.
Junebug Clark / detroit
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