Upgrade to Silverfast DC Pro (difference DC VLT >< D

SilverFast DCPro (digital camera)


Upgrade to Silverfast DC Pro (difference DC VLT >< D

Postby fotofranky » Mon May 17, 2004 1:40 am

I have Silverfast AI two times. Can I upgrade with one to Silverfast DC Pro? How much is the Upgrade?
What is the difference between Silverfast DC_VLT and Silverfast DC Pro?
Thanks for your answer.
Franz Pfluegl

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Postby LSI_Flyvbjerg » Mon May 17, 2004 6:49 am

Dear Mr. Pfluegl.

A cross upgrade from Ai to DCPro is possible, but please note that Ai and DCPro are two different plugins. Ai is for scanners, DCPro is for files. Please contact the sales department for more information at: [url]sales@silverfast.de[/url].

For the difference between DC-VLT and DCPro, please read: https://www.silverfast.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1979&highlight=.

Best regards
Eric Flyvbjerg

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