Impossible to download the latest version

SilverFast DCPro (digital camera)


Impossible to download the latest version

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 07, 2003 5:48 pm

I'm unsuccessfully trying to download the latest version of SF DC Pro but always get the error message "Download login and/or password is incorrect". Tried it several times, serial number, SF user name and SF password always entered correctly but to no avail. Can somebody help? Would very much appreciate.

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Postby LSI_Rossee » Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:57 am

Dear Guest.

Please contact and include the information you entered during update.
Have you tried the WEBupdate feature? <a href="/img/forum/webupdate_400.jpg" target=_blank>Screenshot</a>

Kind regards


Postby Guest » Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:42 pm

Dear Mr. Rossee,

No, I had not tried the WEBupdate feature. This in fact worked and solved my problem. Thanks for the response and good advice.

Best regards,

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