Silverfast DC pricing

All about DC-VLT / DCS / DCR and digital cameras (digital camera)

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Silverfast DC pricing

Postby hilljf » Tue Sep 03, 2002 6:33 pm

I am a bit confused about Silverfast DC pricing.

I own Silverfast AI with TI8 calibration with a Microtek 8700 pro scanner. I recently upgraded version 5.5 to 6 (great program, by the way) and am interested in adding the "DC" capability to work on my digital photos. What is the price to add this capability?

thanks, John :wink:

LSI Staff
LSI Staff
Posts: 491
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2001 1:00 am

Postby LSI_Support » Thu Sep 05, 2002 4:19 pm

Dear Hilljf,
a much better address then a forum to get an answer to this is that you ring LaserSoft-Imaging sales.

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