Some questions on SF8 usage

flatbed scanners for Canon

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Some questions on SF8 usage

Postby drm » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:48 am

Hi -

I'm just getting into using my Canoscan 9000F for a major archive scanning project, and I've noticed a few things which I'd appreciate advice / help / suggestions on:

1. Input settings: I have a mix of Kodachrome & Ektachrome. I want to scan in the order that the slides are in their storage sheets, so that I can use the SF auto-numbering to match the numbering on the plastic sleeves. This means that sometimes I have a mix of Kodachrome and Ektachrome in a (4 slide) batch. But it seems that the slide type is not set at Frame level - so if Frame 1 is set to Kodachrome, all 4 have to be. Is this true ?

2. Saved Frame settings: saved frame settings seem to save the frame number as well - if I apply a saved setting to a frame, it renumbers the frames unless it happens to be the same frame number as it was saved from. Is this intentional ?

3. Where are saved frame data stored ? Can I edit / delete them ? Is there a list of parameters which are included in Frame / FrameSet settings somewhere ?

4. And finally, in the Job Manager, can the settings be "sticky" as there were in SF6 ? For example, the "space" option keeps resetting, and sometimes the filepath reverts to default /user/pictures.

SF8 is much easier to work with and more efficient than SF6 - I'd encourage all SF6 users to upgrade

Best wishes

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Re: Some questions on SF8 usage

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:26 pm

Dear David,

Kodachrome and standard slides unfortunately can not be mixed.
The two modes use different ICC profiles.

The frame setting does not save the frame number.
But if you load a setting for a frame the frame refreshes and basically becomes a new frame which gets the last number in the row.

But if you scan through the JobManager you can freely change the order in which the images are scanned and numbered.

The frame data is stored in the preference file and can not be manipulated manually.
If you want to delete a setting hold the alt-key pressed while you navigate into the load settings menu.
Clicking on an entry will delete it.

The JobManager shows the frame data.
If you save a location in a frame setting it can be loaded with the rest of the settings.
You can also select a saved frame setting as default setting in the preference's general tab.
All newly created frames will use those settings.

kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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