Have a Canoscan 8800F but my Silverfast software won't work.

flatbed scanners for Canon

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Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:50 pm
Scanner: Canon
Canoscan 8800F
SilverFast Product: Ai
SilverFast Version: 6.0

Have a Canoscan 8800F but my Silverfast software won't work.

Postby rjneuzel » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:04 pm

Ok, so it is a little more confusing than the topic suggests. I have a Canon Canoscan 8800F( which I really like). I know it came with Silverfast Ai software but I can't locate it. I use to have a Epson 3200 scanner( still have it but like the Canon a little better). My Epson does have Silverfast software. It came with Silverfast Ai version 6.01R16. I thought that I could just install that and use it with my Canon but it won't let me. I am trying to run it through Photoshop cs5. It is listed under file/Import but has Silverfast(Epson). Is there anyway that I can use this with my Canon scanner?

Thank you,

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Re: Have a Canoscan 8800F but my Silverfast software won't w

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:53 pm

Dear Rob,

LaserSoft Imaging develops individual Software products for each scanner.
If you want to use SilverFast with a different Scanner you need to purchase a crossgrade from our webshop.
You will get a discount for your existing serial.

Select your original device.
Then enter the serial.
You will get a set of target device data where you can enter your second device.
Afterwards you will be given upgrade prices for that device below.

kind regards,
Arne Ketelhohn.

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