Blue color negative scans on my 8600f...

flatbed scanners for Canon

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Blue color negative scans on my 8600f...

Postby Chuck » Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:05 pm

I am trying out Silverfast AI(still using the trial) to scan some old negatives my father had. I put them into the holder for the strip, then select Transparency and Negative from the general tab. For Negafix, I just leave it on other, since I haven't a clue what brand film my dad used in 1956 :)

Anyway, I do a preview scan and the initial scan shows the pics on the strip with a horrible blue cast. However, after adjusting the selection box and select on of the pic on the strip, all the pics then "look" great on the screen and I can make adjustments and they look great.

So, I then do the scan, I see, in the progress window, as well as the finished product, a horrible blue looking scan again, just like I initially saw, when the pics first showed on the screen, before I adjusted the selection box.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or perhaps this is a limitation of the trail version.

Thank You

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Postby Chuck » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:43 pm

Well, since nobody had any ideas, I uninstalled SF. However, wanting to compare a scanned pic, I decided to reinstall it again and when I tried the negatives, they seem to scan fine now. I am scanning different negatives and not the ones that gave me issues, so I'll have to try the negatives that gave me issues, to see if it really is cleared up.

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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:52 pm

Dear Chick,
sorry for beeing late...

You used the function perfectly right ( as described in your first message ) and i wonder why it failed in the end...

Please let me know if it stays okay now or if you are able to reproduce the failure, because then we have to do something.
If there is a problem it would be extremely helpful if you remember how / when the negafix function got "bad" again.

Thank you & best regards,

Nils Heidorn, R & D, LaserSoft Imaging AG

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Postby Robert » Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:51 pm


with the SilverFast SE (6.4.4r4), which is bundled with my brandnew CanoScan 8600F, I'm experiencing exactly the same problem as Chuck described in his first post.

The preview scan showed the pics with a blue cast. After adjusting the selection box the cast disappeared and the pics looked great on the screen.

However, when doing the scan, both the progress window and the finished scan were showing this horrible blue cast again.

As Chuck described, I uninstalled SilverFast. After reinstallation, SilverFast is working properly now, even with the same negatives which caused the blue cast problem.

Perhaps an incompatibility problem with the graphics card? I don't know. Problems which disappear without known reason are the worst...


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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:19 am

Dear Robert,

i do not believe it is a problem with your Hardware, i honestly think that the Preferences and saved Negative Curves were messed up somehow and that reinstalling fixed that.

It sounds strange to me and our test lab could not verify this either but two users reporting the same can not be a fluke...

If SilverFast gets in this "mode" again it would be most important to know how it happened, so we can re-enect it and debug the Software.

So please keep an eye open for a possible reason if it happens again, will you ?

Thank you & Greetings,

Nils Heidorn, R & D, LaserSoft Imaging AG

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Postby kemar » Thu May 10, 2007 9:54 am

Hi all
It's realy strange I also have the 8600F and I also have this same probleme with my neg as chuck
the only way I found to resolve that it s to take a little bit of a negatives side the one you want but the colors are not really good like that.
It s really strange that many people have this problems with the same scanner isn't it?


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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu May 10, 2007 9:56 am

Dear kemar,
just as you posted this, we are actually on the trail of this strange bug.
We were lucky that this begaviour now shows on one of our develompment machines and we are debugging right now.
So consider this Bug history in the next hours...

Thank you & Greetings,

Nils Heidorn, R & D, LaserSoft Imaging AG

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Postby kemar » Thu May 10, 2007 1:44 pm

You're fast!!!
I hope you could find why ours negs become blue
I stay tuned

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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu May 10, 2007 1:56 pm

Dear kemar,
actually not that fast, Users were reporting that before but the trouble was: it never occured here on our develompent machines.
And if you cannot see or reenact a bug its close to impossible to fix...

It is fixed now definately, we will replace the versions 650r6 on our web "silently" with the bugfixed versions.
I would recommend to re-download the r6 version ( if you already got it ) in 48 hours.
By then most Installers should be rebuilt & exchanged.
We decided not to change version number because this bug affects so very few people and we don't want to confuse the others...
You can judge by the file creation date, if it is the new, bugfixed version the file will have a creation date of 10.05.2007 or 11.05.2007 .

Thank you & Greetings,

Nils Heidorn, R & D, LaserSoft Imaging AG

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problem still in 6.5.1r2

Postby pneurauter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:25 pm


today I've got my CanoScan 8600F with a 6.4.?? and did a few negative scans. The first few negatives have been scanned with the right colours. But it took not very long until the same problem as chuck and the other guys here reported, came along.

So I updated the Silverfast to 6.5.1r2, but also in this version some negatives had this extreme blue tone. So I uninstalled all the Silverfast stuff and installed it again (6.5.1r2). The first few scans worked very well again. But then this blue-colour-bug retured.

By the way: I'm working on a Mac OS 10.4.10.

Maybe the problem is not finally solved...

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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:08 am

Dear pneurator,
i *hope* that this is only before Version 6.4 messed up things for the 6.5 Version !

To check on that, please delete the Preferences and try again with the 6.5 Version, will you ?

Please follow the instructions here to open the "service" dialog but then delete the preferences file instead of the serialization:

Please give feedback on the result :-)


Nils Heidorn

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Postby pneurauter » Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:43 pm

Hello Nils,

thank you for the fast answer... I've deleted the Preferences as discribed in the FAQ-Link. After that the scans worked very well - but not very long. For testing I scanned one negative three times. The first two scans had the right colours, but the third showed these blue colours again...

greetz, p.

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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:56 pm

Dear P,

oops, i will give that to testing :-(

Thanks, i'll keep you posted,

Nils Heidorn

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Postby LSI_Heidorn » Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:51 pm

Dear P.,
as i just got the 8600F in my office i gave it a try myself, but i was unable to "break" the negative scans.

What i did was:
-1- I started SilverFast via SF_Launcher, switched to Transparency, negative did a Preview, framed the negative and scanned it to tif.
Then i scanned it again and again and... --> 7 times without ever leaving SilverFast.

-2- I tried different, i entered the Software, did a prescan, scanned the negative to tif, left SilverFast, started again and ... --> 5 time, no problem.

Could you shortly describe how you are able to "break" the negative mode ?


Nils Heidorn

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Postby pneurauter » Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:57 pm

Hello Nils,
sorry for my late reply - I've expected to be noticed by e-mail if anyone posts under this topic.

So how am I able to break the negatives? Yet I have to say, I don't really know. Sometime the Silverfast works very fine, sometimes every scan I make has this blue colours.

I do my scans this way (it's exactly the way you did it):
1. start SF Laucher
2. set to Transparancy/Negative
3. do a Preview-Scan
4. frame the negative
5. Scan to tif

I've also tried many other configurations - with/without NegaFix, Photoshop-Import, staple-scan/Normal, tried many times to delete preferences file, reset all image-correction-options, different resolutions...

It's not predictable, if a scan will work or not. The preview-scan shows always the right colours. Curiously enough sometimes the first scan shows the right colours, but when I do a second scan or a thrid one from the same negative without changing any options it's again scanned in blue... I am not sure for 100%, but think that mostly negatives with a large amount of some yellow/orange/gold-colours in it are scanned in blue.

By the way: Is there a possibility to delete Silverfast completely from my system (OSX 10.4.10) so that I can try to set up the most recent version of it. Maybe there are some file-relics from an older version which cause this problem?

I like the silverfast software very much, and when the scan works the results are great. That's why I'd like to use it, but I can't work with this blue-coloured scans.

greets, peter.

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