Autofocus in Batch Scan

All the problems with BenQ (former Acer) film scanners
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Autofocus in Batch Scan

Postby avassetsky » Tue Nov 12, 2002 9:58 am

Hello All,

I use the latest version of Silverfast with my 2740 and I can`t force SilverFast to do autofocus for each still in document feeder. It isn't a big problem for films, but prevent from batch scanning slides. Moreover, SilverFast execute focusing either after inserting carrier into scanner or after manipulation with focus settings.
I didn't have such problems with v**s**n.
May be it is a feature of SilverFast or I do something wrong?

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Postby LSI_Flyvbjerg » Tue Nov 12, 2002 5:40 pm

You are not doing anything wrong.

As you mentioned, SilverFast performs auto focus only, when the film holder is inserted or the focus settings are changed. We?ve implemented this behaviour to avoid unnecessary focus scans and thereby to increase the performance.

I think, it shouldn?t be a problem as long as you don?t use slides with different thickness in the same slide holder.


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