Scanned slides dark with purple tint

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Moderator: LSI_Ketelhohn

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Scanner: plustek 7200i
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SilverFast Version: 6.6

Scanned slides dark with purple tint

Postby cragrat » Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:13 pm

Hello, . I have a Plustek 7200i driver ver, Silverfast 8.2 SE Plus and operating on Windows 7 Pro with Windows Photo Viewer. I have had this software and scanner for some time but have only now started to use it.
I am trying to archive several hundred colour slides with the intension of further tiding up at a later date so I am using the TIFF setting with iSRD.
Using the Pilot and 48 bit the final saved result is very dark with a purple tint. The result is the same using 64HDRI.
Using the manual setting I have used various settings but the results are the same, very dark with a purple tint.

I would welcome any help you may have.

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Re: Scanned slides dark with purple tint

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:40 pm

Dear user,

The HDR(i) formats are raw archive formats for later processing in SilverFast HDR Studio.
They are dark because they do not get any Gamma adjustment.
For an adjusted output you need to select 48 -> 24.

Are you using a 32 bit operating system? the driver and SilverFast version are very old and are only needed for 32 bit systems.
On a64 bit System you should use the most current driver and SilverFast update.

Kind regards,

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