Scan dimensions not saved when Ai Studio restarted.

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Scan dimensions not saved when Ai Studio restarted.

Postby brian_mk » Tue May 16, 2017 11:03 am

In 'Scan Dimensions' I disabled the 'link' between Width and Height settings so that I could set each independently.
When I restart Ai Studio, it reverts back to having the 'link' enabled. This changes my Width and Height settings from the last scan.
Why are some settings not saved and restored bewteeen scans?

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Re: Scan dimensions not saved when Ai Studio restarted.

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Fri May 19, 2017 5:10 pm

Dear user,

That is a security setting to avoid an unintentional between hight and width.
Please store the setting under Frame -> Frame setting. Then select the saved setting as default in the preferences' General tab.
Now creating a frame will use the setting you made there.

Kind regards,

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