Duoscanf40 under MacOS 9.2 - not working?!

flatbed scanners for Agfa

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Duoscanf40 under MacOS 9.2 - not working?!

Postby tschiwi » Sat Nov 01, 2003 1:09 pm

I just downloaded the trial of silverfast 6 which should support my agfa firewirewire scanner (as stated on the website). But everytime I try to scan (either on standalone silverfast or as plug-in in photoshop 7) silverfast tells me "there is no scanner connected" ....
Is there a chance for me to scan with trhe agfa duoscan f40?
Or can I "flsh" the firmware, as it is the same scanner as the microtek "scan maker 8700 silver"? (which should be supported).


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Postby LSI_Kratzenstein » Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:41 pm

The F40 is suported. Please be aware to deinstall all orginal drivers for this scanner (AGFA and Microtek).

kind regards

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