defining multiple frames - how?

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defining multiple frames - how?

Postby drm » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:43 pm


Please somebody explain to me what I'm doing wrong here. I have an OpticFilm 120 with Silverfast 8.8.0r8 Ai Studio.

I want to set up several frames from a 6x9 preview. Following the instructions in the Job Manager documentation, I do the following:

- Prescan
- set up the first frame

but then:

- Duplicate Frame not available, not even disabled in the Frame or Job Manager menus
- Command-D has no effect
- Click drag has no effect

What, if any, is the magic trick to define multiple frames, as shown in the documentation ?


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Re: defining multiple frames - how?

Postby LSI_Ketelhohn » Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:11 pm

Dear David,

With your device you can only have one frame per image.
Multiple frames are only possible with flat bed scanners.

Kind regards,

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