Default settings? & other problems

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Default settings? & other problems

Postby mbf » Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:50 am

I am having a great deal of difficulty with newly purchased silverfast for the Nikon LS 5000. Scanning 35 mm transparencies, the colors are way off, with and without profile generated via calibration or any of the profiles that suddenly appeared when I updated to 6.4.3r9. Have others had difficulty? I would like to begin "repairs" by returning to all default settings in Silverfast. How do I do this? (Note that scans w. Nikonscan are o.k., so it's not the scanner). I've had excellent results with silverfast on two other scanners, so this is an unhappy mystery to me. All help appreciated.

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Postby RAG » Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:09 am

Q: SilverFast did open and I could work with it, but all of a sudden (or now that I started it anew) it simply behaves odd or the quality is not as before or some dialogs seem not to operate adequately or it does not react anymore.

A: Solution:
It often helps to reset SilverFast's settings to the state immediately after installation of SilverFast software

SilverFast on Macintosh Systems:
-- SF as Photshop module
<> ...Adobe Photoshop / Plug-ins / Import-Export / SilverFast(<>) / SilverFast / Prefs
-- SF as TWAIN module
"Preferences" folder of current system / TWAIN / SilverFast / Prefs

SilverFast on Windows Systems:
-- SF as Photoshop module
<> ...Adobe Photoshop / Plug-ins / Import-Export / SilverFast / Prefs
-- SF as TWAIN module
<> / Windows or WinNT / TWAIN_32 / LaserSoft / SilverFast / Prefs

Please follow your path down to the "Prefs" folder and delete the entire "Prefs" folder.
This will erase all saved SilverFast settings and will set your SilverFast back to the state before the first-time launch. Restart your application.
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